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Moment woman climbs onto casino table and flings chips into the air

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작성자 Charley 댓글 0건 조회 0회 작성일 24-08-28 00:16


Wild videos posted online captured the moment a woman climbed onto a craps table and recklessly tossed chips around, refusing to move even as casino staff tried to grab her.

In a video posted to TikTok, the woman - whom police later identified as 63-year-old Rebecca Castillo - could be seen kneeling on top of the craps table at the Silver Legacy Casino in Reno, Nevada, on Saturday.

Castillo - who was seen wearing a blue and yellow striped shirt with jeans, sneakers and a pink baseball cap - then grabs fistfuls of chips, and starts hurling them into the air - much to the chagrin of casino employees who have surrounded her.

One such employee could be seen trying to grab her arm, but she leaned over him and flung even more casino chips as security guards started to arrive.

A guard then seemed to have grabbed Castillo by the arms, as someone in the background could be heard saying, 'She's going to jail, she's going to jail.'

Rebecca Castillo, 63, climbed onto the craps table at the Silver Legacy Casino in Reno, Nevada and flung fistfuls of poker chips into the air

Another video showed Castillo lying down on the craps table to avoid being grabbed

Another video posted to X on Wednesday provides a different view of the incident, showing Castillo sitting on her feet and swatting at the casino employee who grabbed her arm.

He managed to grab hold of her arm at one point, but in an apparent attempt to get out of his clutches, Castillo flings herself to the side and starts lying down on the craps table.

Onlookers could be heard telling her to 'get up, get up.'

The TikTok video has now been viewed more than 394,000 times, while the video posted to X garnered 237,500 views.

@cbomobfather #casino #looser

♬ original sound - Cbomobfather

At one point, a casino employee tried to grab at her and she swatted him away

Reno police say the incident happened just after 5pm on Saturday at the Silver Legacy Casino, and Castillo was taken into custody in the aftermath

Reno police say Castillo was taken into custody immediately following the incident, which occurred just after 5pm on Saturday.

Officers did not release any information about what may have prompted Castillo to get onto the table. 

No information was provided on whether anyone was injured by the flying Poker (https://telegra.ph/) chips. 

Castillo is now charged with four counts of battery, and was due to appear in court on Thursday. 

Las VegasTikTokNevada

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