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The West is already embroiled in a new Cold War with China as the comm…

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작성자 Henry 댓글 0건 조회 0회 작성일 24-09-01 14:32


The West is already embroiled in a new Cold War with China as the communist state continues a massive military build-up alongside its economic might, warned today.

The former PM used a controversial visit to Taiwan to make a punchy speech about confronting and countering 's political and economic might.

She urged to formally designate , as she warned that the West must act 'urgently' to protect Taiwan from aggression. The island state is claimed by China.

Speaking at the Prospect Foundation think tank, she said: 'There are many in the West who say we don't want another Cold War.

But we have to be clear that this is not a choice that we are in a position to make. 

'Because China has already embarked on a self-reliance drive, whether we want to decouple from the economy or not. 

'China is growing its navy at an alarming rate.
It is undertaking the biggest military build-up in peacetime history. 

'They've already formed alliances with other nations that want to see the free world in decline. They have already made their choice about their strategy.'

But her speech came as Beijing attacked her decision to become one of the most high profile politicians to visit Taipei.


The former PM used a controversial visit to Taiwan to make a punchy speech about confronting and countering Beijing's political and economic might.

China claims Taiwan as its own territory and has threatened to annex the island by force.

Pictured, president Xi Jinping

After Nancy Pelosi, then-speaker of the US House of Representatives, visited Taiwan last year, China staged a naval and air force blockade of Taiwan

After Nancy Pelosi, then-speaker of the US House of Representatives, visited Taiwan last year, China staged a naval and air force blockade of Taiwan, cutting off channels of communication with Washington on issues from environmental protection to maritime security.

Before Ms Truss stood up to make her speech, bokep indonesia the Chinese embassy to the UK issued a statement warning that Ms Truss' speech would 'harm' Britain, labelling it a 'provocative move'.

It urged her to stop defending Taiwanese independence or else 'further expose herself as a failed politician and get more backlash from the Chinese people'. 

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